How to change the font in rviz markers, and make it support unicode?
TODO insert github issue
Have rviz cloned in tmp_catkin_ws, can source devel/setup.bash, but it seems like some portions of the system installed rviz are still being used?
Changing the fontName in ogre_helpers/movable_text.h header did not change the font. Just hardcode into movable_text.cpp constructor setFontName().
The default Arial
font was really /usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttcorefonts/Arial.ttf
Other fonts in that directory:
Andale_Mono.ttf Courier_New_Italic.ttf Times_New_Roman.ttf
andalemo.ttf Courier_New.ttf times.ttf
arialbd.ttf couri.ttf trebucbd.ttf
arialbi.ttf cour.ttf trebucbi.ttf
Arial_Black.ttf Georgia_Bold_Italic.ttf Trebuchet_MS_Bold_Italic.ttf
Arial_Bold_Italic.ttf Georgia_Bold.ttf Trebuchet_MS_Bold.ttf
Arial_Bold.ttf georgiab.ttf Trebuchet_MS_Italic.ttf
Arial_Italic.ttf Georgia_Italic.ttf Trebuchet_MS.ttf
ariali.ttf georgiai.ttf trebucit.ttf
arial.ttf georgia.ttf trebuc.ttf
Arial.ttf Georgia.ttf Verdana_Bold_Italic.ttf
ariblk.ttf georgiaz.ttf Verdana_Bold.ttf
comicbd.ttf impact.ttf verdanab.ttf
Comic_Sans_MS_Bold.ttf Impact.ttf Verdana_Italic.ttf
Comic_Sans_MS.ttf timesbd.ttf verdanai.ttf
comic.ttf timesbi.ttf verdana.ttf
courbd.ttf timesi.ttf Verdana.ttf
courbi.ttf Times_New_Roman_Bold_Italic.ttf verdanaz.ttf
Courier_New_Bold_Italic.ttf Times_New_Roman_Bold.ttf webdings.ttf
Courier_New_Bold.ttf Times_New_Roman_Italic.ttf Webdings.ttf
Try Courier_New
- no that results in exception.
The font is actually in /opt/ros/jade/share/rviz/ogre_media/fonts/, which contains arial.fontdef arial.ttf font_arial.png
. I can see some unicode characters in font_arial.png
TODO show font_arial.png
But are they at the right index?
There are 18 characters per row, and the degree symbol is on the 8th row, 16th column- no thee number of columns varies, cannot find the index like that.
Want to use the degree symbol which is u00b0, on linux gnome terminal and vim press ctrl+shif+u, then type 00b0: °. 0xb0 = 176
Try altering the png and running rviz. Altering it in the tmp_catkin_ws ogre_media dir did not work. Next try the opt location- no change.
Maybe can alter the ttf file and see if that causes a change, or copy in a different ttf- probably needs a fontdef with it? Only other fontdef is in Gazebo fonts /usr/share/gazebo-5.0/media/fonts .