ROS Blockly 2

The reason that Erle forked blockly is because their custom blockly blocks are stored in it. There ought to be a way to put these in ros_blockly, and for any I or anyone else creates in a third repo.

Make a custom js file to provide std_msgs- start with an Empty. cp erle-spider.js and make an Empty publisher.

Blockly.Blocks['std_msgs_empty'] = {
  init: function() {
    this.setTooltip('Publish an Empty');

So is anything special needed to make blockly aware of this new file? frontend/blockly/generators/python/erle-spider.js has the implementation. It’s a little ugly to write python in javascript- having individual python files loaded into js would be cleaner.

'use strict';


Blockly.Python['std_msgs_empty'] = function(block) {
  // var code = 'print "standing up..."\n';
  var code = ""
  code+="import sys\n"
  code+="import time\n"
  code+="from std_msgs.msg import Empty\n"
  code+="## INITIALIZE ##\n"
  code+="################ \n"
  /** TODO(lucasw) Need to have the the block proved a name parameter */
  code+="pub = rospy.Publisher('/empty', Empty, queue_size=10)\n"
  code+="msg = Empty()\n"
  code+="i = 0\n"
  code+="rate = rospy.Rate(10)\n"
  code+="## EMPTY          ##\n"
  code+="while not rospy.is_shutdown() and i < 10:\n"
  code+="  pub.publish(msg)\n"
  code+="  rate.sleep()\n"
  code+="  i += 1\n"

  return code;

Now try to restart front end to support this. ctrl-c doesn’t work. backend node doesn’t show up on rosnode list. Just ps aux | grep blockly and then kill -9 it.

Tried restarting it, then refreshing localhost ros blockly, but don’t see anything different. Not sure about blockly_compressed.js - do I need to regenerate that? There are a lot of references to it in other js files. Look at blockly/ Tried running it and it mostly changed blockly_uncompressed.js.

# The compressed file is a concatenation of all of Blockly's core files which
# have been run through Google's Closure Compiler.  This is done using the
# online API (which takes a few seconds and requires an Internet connection).

Don’t have an internet connection currently which is why this didn’t work. with internet

WARNING: definition of COLOUR_PICKER_TOOLTIP in msg/json/tcy.json contained a newline character.
SUCCESS: msg/js/bn.js
SUCCESS: msg/js/is.js
SUCCESS: msg/js/zh-hant.js
SUCCESS: blockly_uncompressed.js
SUCCESS: blockly_compressed.js
Size changed from 2469 KB to 578 KB (23%).
SUCCESS: blocks_compressed.js
Size changed from 124 KB to 62 KB (51%).
SUCCESS: javascript_compressed.js
Size changed from 71 KB to 40 KB (57%).
SUCCESS: python_compressed.js
Size changed from 74 KB to 38 KB (52%).
SUCCESS: php_compressed.js
Size changed from 62 KB to 32 KB (52%).
SUCCESS: dart_compressed.js
Size changed from 65 KB to 34 KB (52%).

Next thing to edit is frontend/pages/blockly.html:

<category id="std_msgs" name="std_msgs" colour="190">
      <block type="std_msgs_empty"></block>

I don’t have any use for the Erle Robot specific blocks so I removed those.

Now I can publish an Empty to /empty. It would be nice to have a topic parameter to pass to it. Next put changes in own forked copies of blockly and ros_blockly.

DONE: (lucasw version of ros_blockly)[]

Written on December 3, 2015