bgfx with Ubuntu 16.04
make linux
Development notes
make linux
The bullet source doesn’t build SoftDemo currently (is it unstable?), needed these changes:
On Kinetic Ubuntu 16.04
have to git clone on kinetic since it isn’t a package there yet.
sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-kobuki
Clean install of Ubuntu 16.04 and ROS Kinetic.
Ancient Arduino Diecimila 168
usb_cam works great on my external logitech webcam, but the onboard laptop camera produces a very glitchy video and gets all these errors:
``` catkin_make ./devel/lib/bullet_server/bullet_server Segmentation fault (core dumped)
How to change the font in rviz markers, and make it support unicode?
Was lazy about forking a repo and then making local changes to default branch, now want all changes that correspond to issues/pull request to go into uniquely named branches, and have the default branch track the upstream repo.
``` lucasw@glover:~/tmp_catkin_ws$ roslaunch rrbot_gazebo rrbot_world.launch … logging to /home/lucasw/.ros/log/300a352e-ecb1-11e5-b860-00dbdf11ceac/roslaunch-glover-2577.log Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile. Press Ctrl-C to interrupt Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.
mkdir -p tmp_catkin_ws/src
cd tmp_catkin_ws/src
git clone
cd ..
source devel/setup.bash
rosrun rqt_mypkg rqt_mypkg
sudo apt-get install docker
Documentation is not super clear on how to run tests.
Install ffmpeg:
Can select be made to publish the points in a point cloud it selects?
This enable a change master option, selecting crashes rviz however.
Tried prepare release:
Want to make a catkin ROS version of this eventually, but first thing is to play with source for real v4l2ucp.
Going through git repos that I’m still using and making them all use a consistent user name and email so the commits link by to my profile. The anonymous noreply email didn’t work.
Is the ceres I have installed already conflicting, or is it using a submodule version that is wrong?
The reason that Erle forked blockly is because their custom blockly blocks are stored in it. There ought to be a way to put these in ros_blockly, and for any I or anyone else creates in a third repo.
Following the install instructions from ros blockly. It is weird to clone inside of other directories, I guess it is enforcing relative paths.